

廢話不多說!又是勸敗家的時刻,春日發現American Eagle推出了子品牌MARTIN+OSA,讀起來就是Martin and Osa,根據新聞稿意思,裡面是指兩位喜愛到處玩耍的Johnson夫婦Martin 以及Osa,擁有眾多頭銜例如冒險家、作家等等。各位或許可以去 網站逛一逛,但是網站要求Flash 8。有關原文訊息,看以下報導:

American Eagle Outfitters introduced MARTIN + OSA (Martin and Osa) as the name of its new casual sportswear retail concept. Targeted to men and women aged 25 to 40, MARTIN + OSA debuts in the Fall of 2006.

Vice Chairman, and inspirational leader of new concept development, Roger Markfield described the brand’s style as ”a union of everything that is right about classics, denim, and active sportswear. To put it simply, we’re using denim and sport inspiration to design fun and sport back into sportswear.” Charles and Michele Martin, who were instrumental in the successful launch and creative development of Abercrombie & Fitch, head Men’s and Women’s Design, respectively.

MARTIN + OSA President Ken Pilot explained the derivation of the brand’s name and its relevance. ”Our brand name evokes the spirit of Martin and Osa Johnson, two enterprising Kansans who were married and chose a life of discovery long before it was fashionable. From 1917 to 1936 - through their films, photographs, books and lectures - the Johnsons produced an epic record of life and the great outdoors in some of the most remote areas of the world. Our store environment and merchandise assortments will embody Martin and Osa’s classically American spirit of sport, outdoor and adventure for today’s generation in constant motion,” said Ken. He added, ”In addition to Michele and Charles Martin, we have assembled a dynamic leadership team, with extensive experience building and launching specialty lifestyle brands.”

所以這是當初成功打響Abercrombie & Fitch推手Charles與Michele Martin的傑作,想必是套用經營模式來推動品牌升級計劃,所以在南加州也選了很高檔的Newport beach來當根據地。和春日千里迢迢地殺到他們的商店,我們都蠻喜歡店內的陳設與擺飾,適逢聖誕佳節的來臨,店內大量啟用雪地戶外活動的照片襯托氣氛,並且用上不少的生活照(也不知道是誰?)拼湊出品牌商標和一顆聖誕樹。

衣服材質覺得不錯,設計和材質都很簡單,顏色搭配算賞心悅目,比較起來我似乎還偏愛American Eagle這邊的設計多一點,尤其MARTIN+OSA陳列的感覺佳,比起昏暗燈光弄得跟鬼屋般的Hollister或Ruehl No.925,這個店面會讓人比較甘心掏鈔票,加上店員態度也算好,整個購物行程讓人舒服。

春日已經抓了一些商品先行試賣,終究日本客戶迷信A&F商品系列,遠比AE還要大得多,所以儘管我們私下較偏愛AE商品系列,但還是不敢大膽的投資下去,接下來得看銷售數字了,Newport Beach風景還不錯,沒空多去那邊逛逛還不差。

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